For thy sweet love remember'd such wealth brings
That then I scorn to change my state with kings.
2 A boy has given me a ring before, it was in 5th grade and in the prettiest setting you would ever find CZ.That then I scorn to change my state with kings.
3 When I was little I used to sing songs in the back yard about how I hoped I would never die.
4 I have let Madagascar cockroaches crawl all over my hands. Surprisingly, they quickly turn from absolutely appalling, villainous pests to harmless ugly ducklings of the bug population.
5 My brother and I used to play the sandwich game where you find all the cushions in the house, bring them to the living room and then build a bigger-than-life sandwich by stacking cushions and persons. I was always the tomato.
6 I was a Junior in girl scouts, but don't remember ever selling girl scout cookies.
7 When I smell St. Ives Collagen Elastin, I think of when I used to take afternoon naps with my grandma in Montana. She always had St. Ives on her bed stand.
8 Throughout childhood, mum would blast Garth Brooks, the Bee Gees, or the Eagles every weekend while we all did our chores. To this day, I can sing Friends in Low Places, How Deep is Your Love, and New York Minute by heart.
9 I had a walkman when I was little and my first tape was the Lion King Soundtrack. I had to listen to "He Lives in You' over and over and over again. I mean countless times! Just ask my dad.
10 I like walking from terminal to terminal in the Atlanta airport.
11 I claim Catcher in the Rye as one of my favorite books, but I don't think I ever actually finished it.
12 My first love was named Robert and he had an eyebrow piercing.
13 My only memory of Disney Land is the floating cupcakes in Minnie Mouse's oven.
14 Sadly, I regret one part of my baptism. The part where I didn't feel a flood of the spirit or warm at all really. I was baptized in a cave and the water was freezing. As soon as I went under, I wanted to get out. I reassure myself by thinking the water was even too cold for the Holy Spirit.
15 The wedding anniversary of Mrs. Caulkins, my middle school piano teacher, is on my birthday.
16 My brother named me.
17 In high school, most of the furniture in my room was painted by me or made by my dad.
18 My 8th grade graduating class awarded me the 'sweetest' award.
19 My favorite dish my mum makes is called cream peas. I've always liked vegetables.
20 I had a tomato plant named Lenny in high school. I cared for him so much, but the scorching, sun rays of the pacific got the best of him in the end.
21 Whenever someone sneezed in my 9th grade Geography class, my teacher would say, 'Three for a quarter," but no one ever sneezed a third time.
22 I started a fire in the oven once when I was warming up some buns for sloppy joes.
23 I can count to 10 in english, ASL, italian, german, malay, cambodian, spanish, and in a british accent.
24 I'm not allergic to anything except nerves. The only time I ever got hives was prior to a piano recital.
25 I've never had a wart.