30 September 2008

To Your Thoughtfulness and Love

If my words make you think,
then I have achieved it.
If my words make you laugh,
then I have succeeded.
If my words make you cry,
I hope it's not out of remorse.
I hope I only bring you joy
and aid you to lift up your voice.

If my words can make you smile,
then that is when I can rejoice.

Now let me go and find those words.
They are somewhere in a book.
They are thoughtfully written down on paper.
They are in a mother's look.
They are somewhere I must think and ponder,
a place where I should linger longer:
down on my knees
a grove of trees
or a friend's kitchen table.
These places open up my mind,
make room for words to enter.
If I know where to find them,
why am I still sitting centered?

I better now start walking centered.
roaming the wide latitudes
I'll be brave from ocean to ocean,
hearing words of every emotion.
I'll seek out the longitudes
of this earth on tilt
from high to low,
from pole to pole
I'll be inspired by the multitudes.

Now I'm listening,
Now I'm learning
all for the yearning
to make you smile.


carter green said...

hello i love that we are blog buddies...

Alyne said...

heehee, my room mates pants <3