01 November 2011


I went to the beach and I loved it. I regret not taking pictures with all of the people I met. I'll tell you one absolutely great moment that I'll remember forever. I was sitting at the bar when the shamefully handsome bartender, Luke, said, "Well, this certainly is a mix of people, isn't it?" He was referring to the swinger, the backpacker, the Mormon, and the divorcee sitting and laughing and talking at the bar with their respective drinks: a fruity cocktail, white wine, nothing, and a beer. These are my new friends and I truly miss them.

dorm room in guesthouse//round beds with mosquito nets

playing frisbee with a shoe//cows in the distance 

Hun//he took me all over this place 

once again, I am the shortest amid these dutch and polish goddesses 

bar built from stacked beer cans and cement
wall built from stacked heineken bottles



jessica, you and your freckles are looking pretty good. When you sneeze do some of the freckles come flying off? That would be annoying to have to collect them off the ground every time, or if they got stuck in someone's hair sitting in front of you on the bus. But seriously, I like freckles.

see ya!

Marie said...

You are beautiful. Also, I love Steven, and I am not following his blog. haha Love you!