I haven't blogged for a while, so here I am.
February ended with a bang - a bomb went off in my bank account and consumed everything...mostly.
This can be interpreted with worry or exhilaration. I look at it like this:
I finished paying tuition, and can still pay rent, and eat as if I was in the 90% showcased at BYU's hunger banquet. But all is well.
I am happy.
I am also wondering what to do this spring and summer. Do I stay in Provo and live for cheap? Or do I take classes at Portland Community College? There are so many choices to be made.
I'm due to run a half marathon in a month and have to get serious about training now. I've been talking myself out of it:
-last week my allergies kicked in and I told myself I could be part of the percentile whose allergies turn into asthma
-it's going to snow tomorrow, so do homework instead
-"good going Jess, you only washed your extra-short pair of running shorts this week. Do you want to get kicked out of BYU for running in those around this part of town? Not worth it."
...and the narrative goes on and on.
Not this week. I gotta get my head in the game.
One plan I have set in stone is my semester in Cambodia. I am going to teach English to a family with three kids. I am going to be really hot and uncomfortable, but also awestruck by the tropical beauty and history. So far I can count to 10 in Cambodian. This will help me when I need to ask for three dried beetles at the local market, or when I'm expressing my sincerest gratitude for having 10 fingers and 10 toes and two arms and two legs.
1 comment:
hi jess, well we got to see your parents, it was good to see them. your dad looked great all out of the army and with facial hair. i got in a little trouble when i asked your mom about not going to church but i tried to smooth it out. does she know about your blog, i didn't mention it. they told me about camobodia, it sounds adventurous. you might want to take a few of your favorite foods with you, food has been so hard for ki! i hope you blog about your experience!
so is your money gone, they have to still give you the money right?
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