23 July 2010

5 hours later

Wednesday was wonderful.  It will be recorded in my history as one of the best days of my life.
I was in Destin Commons with my friend Jamie and her baby.  We had lunch together and walked around. I wanted to go to Starbuck's because I knew my good friend Robert Bennett worked there.  Robert and I met in 8th grade, about 7 years ago.  We haven't kept in touch very much since then, but we've always been dear friends to each other.  So, naturally I was thrilled to have the chance to see him, especially in one of my favorite places - Starbuck's.  Unfortuantely, he wasn't there, but someone else was.  As I stood at the counter waiting for my Red tea herbal latte, soy, iced, someone said, "Please tell me you are Jessica Myers."  I looked to my right and it is was my dear friend Katie Bernard whom I knew since Middle school and sat next to in Life Management Skills in 9th grade.  We hugged and laughed and couldn't stop talking.  She invited me to a friend's party later that night.  Then she said Robert should start work in 30 minutes.  So, you could say I was elated.  I went from disappointed to do-I-deserve-all-this-joy-at-once--ment?  I saw Robert 30 minutes later and it was sweet.  The only thing that had changed in 7 years was he took out his labret piercing and had a tattoo on his left arm: Liberado.  Later that night, no one made it to the party, we just sat outside of Starbuck's as he finished his shift and remained seated for the next 5 hours catching up and telling stories.  Katie, Robert, Kayleigh his wife, and me.  It was the sweetest feeling in the world.
This experience has made me wonder if I should get facebook...  I feel like if I don't reactivate my account then I'm going to be taking advantage of serendipity.  I'm going to be greedy for more experiences like that, but if I get facebook, then the chance for serendipity to intervene will be diminished.  But keeping up via facebook will keep me up to date more efficiently because it's so instantaneous.  But, I hate the detached/removed/desensitization it imposes on friendships.  A friend is someone you meet, spend time with, exchange phone numbers with, serve, talk to - not just press a button for.  I know I can choose to be friends with "real friends" but I don't want to take anyone's friendship for granted because it's right there in front of my face everyday, updated, tagged, etc.  I don't want it to get old, I suppose.  Oh gosh.
Anyway, I thank God for Wednesday.  I'm grateful He put us in each other's paths again and that we didn't forget about each other.  After all this time, we are still precious to one another.  We are meant to be friends forever.


tifsong said...

hi. you're a real gem.. i am excited to live with you.

Katie Bernard said...

It was truly a privilege to see you again. And although I understand what you mean by Facebook taking away the serendipity of moments like we had Wednesday, I am thrilled that we will be able to keep in contact more easily. I truly miss you and love you very much Miss Myers :)


kelly said...

cool you got to see robert! i feel the exact same about facebook!~!